Enerjisa Enerji Üretim A. Ş. (Verbund)
Project Location:
Working Time:
Installed Capacity:
206.60MWm + 4.88MWm/107.7m3/s
Concrete Faced Rockfill Kandil Dam is 104 m high from foundation and has 350 m crest length. Two diversion tunnels, with 5 m inner diameter and 435 m length, are located at the right bank. The direct intake, which is located again on the right bank, transfers the water to the valve chamber through a 9500 m long power tunnel of 6 m inner diameter. The valve chamber is connected to the powerhouse with 5 m diameter and 233 m long steel penstock. The powerhouse is equipped with two vertical axis Francis turbines. The environmental flow is released to the downstream of the dam via an eco-turbine located between the spillway and dam on the right bank.
Services Offered
Design Phase
- Preparation of feasibility design report and drawings,
- Preparation of final design reports and drawings,
- Preparation of technical specifications,
- Programming site investigations and evaluation of the works,
- Preparation of detailed design drawings for civil works
Site Supervision during Construction Phase; - Supervision of Construction and Installation,
- Material Tests, Surveys and Observations,
- Quality Control,
- Hydromechanical Equipment Inspection,
- Coordination of Construction Schedule