Koçlu Weir & HPP, Turkey

Koçlu Weir & HPP, Turkey2024-06-06T11:51:26+03:00

İyon Enerji Üretimi Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (Sanko Energy Group )
Project Location:
Working Time:
Installed Capacity:

The project was built to utilize the energy potential between 465 – 200 m elevations on Yaglidere Stream in Giresun province. The storage capacity of the regulation is 70,000 m3. The Energy Tunnel has an inner diameter of 3.30 m and a length of 8 km. The height of the weir is 8.6 meters. The Powerhouse is equipped with two units, each with an installed power of 18.51 MW, and the annual average energy production is 121.1 GWh.

Services Offered
  •  Preparation of feasibility report
  • Programming site investigations and evaluation of the works
  •  Preparation of final and detailed (construction) design reports and drawings
  • Preparation of technical specifications and tender documents
  •  Assisting owner in evaluation of E&M bid documents.
  •  Verification of detailed design drawings of hydro-mechanical and electro-mechanical equipment.