Çambaşı-Ögene Weirs & Çambaşı HPP, Turkey

Çambaşı-Ögene Weirs & Çambaşı HPP, Turkey2024-06-06T11:57:29+03:00

Enerjisa Enerji Üretim A. Ş. (Verbund)
Project Location:
Working Time:
Installed Capacity:
45 MW/20.0m3/s

This is a BOT project licensed by Ministry of Energy and Natural Resorces for Hydropower purpose located on Solaklı River in Trabzon province. The project comprises two weirs, tyrol type Ögene Weir which is 14.5 m high from the foundation and concrete-filled Çambaşı Weir with a crest height of 11 m from the foundation.

The water from Ögene Weir is transferred to Çambaşı Weir via 4.1 m diameter 1950 m long concrete lined conveyance tunnel. Çambaşı Weir is connected to its powerhouse through 7130 m long power tunnel which is 2830 m long -unlined section. 750 m long penstock having a 2.3 m diameter follows the power tunnel.

The powerhouse has two vertical axis Pelton type turbines, having installed capacity of 22.50 MW each. Powerhouse’s total installed capacity is 45.00 MW, having 257.8 m gross head and 20 m3/s discharge, annual energy production is 190.00GWh.

Services Offered
  •  Review, appraisal and recommendations for feasibility Report,
  •  Preparation of final design reports and drawings
  •  Preparation of technical specifications
  •  Preparation of detailed construction drawings for project structures
  • Programming site investigations and evaluation of the works
  •  Consultancy & Site Supervision services to the owner throughout the site construction & commissioning works