This is a BOT project which is licensed by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) having Hydropower purpose which is located on İyidere Stream in Rize province, in north east Black Sea region of Turkey. Cevizlik Weir having a height of 12m from foundation and 60m length along its crest. The powerhouse is an underground structure (cavern) with turbine axis at elevation 222.50m. This underground cavern is of mushroom type having opening varying width between 16m to 21.5m, 46,4 m length and 31,5 m height. After the powerhouse there is a tailrace tunnel of 4.0 m inner diameter and 95m long. The outlet part of the tunnel is connected to the river bed with a 40m long conduit structure. There are two generating units with vertical axis Francis type turbines, and installed capacity of each unit is 47.50MW and total installed capacity is 95MW. By 95MW total installed capacity, 228.1m gross head and 49.50m3/s discharge, the facility could produce 396.4GWh total energy per year. Work on the Project started on 11.11.2005. The project was commissioned on 28.05.2010 and it has been under operation since then.
- Review, appraisal and recommendations for feasibility study,
- Preparation of final design reports and drawings,
- Preparation of technical specifications and tender documents,
- Programming geotechnical investigations and evaluation of the Engineering Geology Report,
- Assisting the Client in evaluation of E&M bid documents,
- Preparation of detailed design drawings for civil works,
- Verification of detailed design drawings of hydro-mechanical and electro-mechanical equipment with civil detailed design drawings,
- Consultancy during construction phase before and during installation of hydromechanical and electromechanical equipment,
- Monitoring acceptance tests and supervision of commissioning of equipment and plant.