Yapısan Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.
Project Location:
Working Time:
2007 - 2009
Installed Capacity:
99 MW/36.0 m3/s
Karıca Weir and Darıca I Hydroelectric Power House is located on Melen stream in Ordu province. it is 37m high from foundation, hard-fill type weir. It has a 8,500m long power tunnel with 4.5m dia (the surge tank towards exit is 8.0m and 14.0 dia and 71.0m high). There is a penstock; in tunnel 308m, in shaft 140m, and 222m in open area. Penstock length is 670m in total and 3.10m dia. The power house is equipped with twin (49.5MW each) Francis turbines.
Services Offered
- Preparation of Feasibility Report (2003)
- Preparation of final design drawings and reports
- Preparation of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Hydro-Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Equipment technical specifications
- Preparation of detailed (construction) design drawings and reports
- Preparation of As-Built drawings