Aşağı Çekerek Project Irrigation Detailed Design, Turkey

Aşağı Çekerek Project Irrigation Detailed Design, Turkey2024-06-06T12:02:03+03:00

Devlet Su İşleri XXII. Bölge Müdürlüğü
Project Location:
Working Time:
2014 - 2016
Installed Capacity:
24.241 ha

Detailed Design Services for irrigation of a total of 24,241 ha of land (7,522 ha by gravity and 16,719 ha by pumping (8 pumping stations)) with a piped system in the Çekerek, Maşat, Reşadiye, Zile and Mamure plains within the boundries of the Aşağı Çekerek Project.

Services Offered
  • Irrigation Detailed Design works 5 plains