Energo-Pro (Murat Nehri Enerji Üretim A.Ş.)
Project Location:
Working Time:
2017 - 2020
Installed Capacity:
2x110 + 2x30 MW
Alpaslan II Dam and HPP Project is located in eastern Anatolian region of Turkey. It is in Muş province on Murat River which is a main tributary of Euphrates. It is a multi-purpose scheme. Project facilities are planned to serve irrigation, power generation, flood prevention and control purposes.
The Dam Body, previously designed in Clay Core Rockfill type has been converted to Asphalt Core Sand-Gravel and Rockfill type, by considering the technical, environmental and economic reasons. The spillway, which is 11m wide with 6 Gates in the Final Project stage, was reduced to 5-Gates in accordance with the new peak value of the flood hydrograph given in the renewed Probable Maximum Flood Report(MFR).
Services Offered
- Preparation of Justification Report and revised Feasibility Report
- Final and Detailed Design of Asphalt Core Sand-Gravel + Rockfill Dam (with grouting gallery), Spillway and Powerhouse Tailwater Channel
- Technical Specifications for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Hydromechanical works
- Civil Works Detailed Design (Construction Design) for 380 kV Switchyard and Powerhouse Transformer Area
- Dam Break Analysis Report, Seismic Risk Analysis Report, Dam Body Stability, Leak and Deformation Report and Spillway Design Report (Hydraulic, Stability and Structural Design)
- 3D Mathematical Modelling of the Spillway and 3D Modelling of Project Structures
- Preparation of Dam Water Impounding Programme
- Preparation of Approval Files of Final Design that to be submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
- Preperation As-Built Drawings