Bulam Weir & HPP, Turkey

Bulam Weir & HPP, Turkey2024-06-06T11:51:40+03:00

MEM En. El. Ür. San. ve Tic. AŞ
Project Location:
Working Time:
Installed Capacity:
7.03MW / 5.2 m3/s

Bulam Weir has a 1,682m long tunnel having 3.0m diameter which ends with a penstock of 1.3m diameter. There are two generating units with horizontal axis Francis type turbines in the powerhouse. The installed capacity of Bulam Weir turbines is 3.5 MW per each unit.

Services Offered
  •  Review, appraisal and recommendations for feasibility study
  • Programming site investigations and evaluation of the works
  •  Preparation of final and detailed design reports and drawings, technical specifications and tender documents
  •  Assisting owner in evaluation of E&M bid documents.
  • Verification of detailed design drawings of hydro-mechanical and electro-mechanical equipment.
  •  Monitoring acceptance tests and supervision of commissioning of equipment and plant