Enerjisa Enerji Üretim A. Ş. (Verbund)
Project Location:
Working Time:
Installed Capacity:
This is a BO project licensed by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR). The weir is 18.15 m high above thalweg with 158 m crest length. The elevation of operational water, thalweg and
leveling is 1111.40 m, 1095.00 m and 1113.15 m, respectively. There are two retaining wall structures in 72.5 m length (right bank) and
36.0 m length (left bank). The length of spillway is 23.0 m (53.0 m in width) and the length of powerhouse + intake structure is 26.5 m
(45.3 m in width).
Services Offered
- Feasibility study
- Programming site investigations and evaluation of the
works - Preparation of final design reports and drawings
- Preparation of technical specifications
- Preparation of detailed (construction) design drawings
and reports - Site Supervision services to the owner throughout the site construction & commissioning works