General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works
Project Location:
Working Time:
This is an irrigation project for agricultural lands of the Alyunkent town and part of the Çayırlı Plain which is extending to the north of Erzincan province in Euphrates Basin.
Services Offered
- Topographical mapping (1/1000 scale axis and reservoir area, 1/5000 scale irrigation area, 1/1000 scale road alignment and irrigation network),
- Conducting geological site investigations and preparation of the Engineering Geology Report, ESIA studies,
- Performing Land Consolidation plans,
- Preparation of Irrigation and Drainage Network Plans and Profiles, design projects for water infrastructures of the irrigation and drainage network,
- Preparation of design projects for operation maintenance and access
roads, design projects for mechanical equipment and electrical works, - Preparation of hydraulic design calculations, design reports and Bill of Quantities, Technical Specifications that required for construction and supply & installation of equipment,
- GIS studies.