This is a hydroelectric project on the Ceyhan River in Kahramanmaraş, tendered by the Ministry of ETK with the Build-Operate-Transfer model. The height of the weir with a crest length of 160m is 30m from the foundation. The 3-eyed spillway has a radial cover. The Diversion Tunnel on the left bank is 300m long and 8m in diameter. The Energy Tunnel on the right bank is 6m in diameter and 5,600m in length. Penstock with a diameter of 5m connecting the Valve Room at its exit to the Powerhouse, divides into 2 branches with a diameter of 2.80m after the branch and reaches the Powerhouse. The Reinforced Concrete Powerhouse has 2 Vertical Axis Francis turbines, each with an installed power of 72.20 MW, and can produce an average of 382.64 GWh of energy per year with a gross head of 131m and a flow rate of 120.26 m³/s.
- Review, appraisal and recommendations for feasibility study,
- Programming site investigations and evaluation of the
works - Preparation of final design reports and drawings
- Preparation of technical specifications
- Preparation of detailed (construction) design drawings
and reports - Site Supervision during Construction Phase;
- Supervision of Construction and Installation,
- Material Tests, Surveys and Observations,
- Quality Control,
- Hydromechanical Equipment Inspection,
- Coordination of Construction Schedule