The Project consists of Adatepe Dam, Karakuz Dam, Tanır Diversion Weir, Büget Small Dam and Büyük Yapalak Dam. Total Irrigation area is 50.560 ha;
Adatepe Dam Irrigation
• Adatepe Dam of clay-core rock fill type, of which construction is in progress on the Göksun Creek in Göksun sub-province of Kahramanmaraş province .
• Adatepe Irrigation (39,288 ha)
Karakuz Dam Irrigation
• Karakuz Dam and Büyükyapalak Dam of clay-core rock-fill type to be constructed on the Hurman Creek, including Büget Dam and 105 km long main conveyance channel within limits of Afşin sub-province of Kahramanmaraş province.
• Karakuz Irrigation (11 272 ha)
61,578 GWh annual energy generation is planned with a total installed capacity of 20,169 MW at Adatepe and Karakuz HEPPs. A total of 473 liters/sec of drinking-utility water has been allocated to Afşin district center and Tatlar village located in the project area, and it is planned to supply 3.00 m³/sec cooling water to the C and D units of Afşin-Elbistan Termin Power Plant.
- Preparation of Planning Report, which consists of hydraulic and hydrologic calculations,
- Design of structures (dams, weirs, and their appurtenant structures),
- Optimization of structural (irrigation area, dam, derivation system, etc.), land classification, plant pattern determination, determination of geological properties of land,
- Determination of borrow material areas, studies of GIS,
- Preparing of ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report),
- Cost calculations, economical and financial Analysis and drawings.