Karakurt Dam and HPP Project is located on Aras River in Kars Province and Sarıkamış District. Dam Body is an Asphalt Core Rockfill with 142 m height from foundation. Direct intake type spillway is designed on the right bank adjacent to dam body. Spillway is designed to discharge 4,580 m3/s PMF (Probable Maximum Flood) with radial gate controlled 3 bays of 11 m width each. On the right bank, there are two diversion tunnels parallel to each other. These tunnels were constructed with horseshoe cross-section of inner diameter 6.30 m. Length of the tunnel on the river side (Tunnel No. 1) is 868 m, tunnel on the slope side (Tunnel No. 2) is 999 m.
Powerhouse is equipped with three vertical axis Francis turbine units. Two of these units are main units and each has an installed capacity of 45.155 MWm, third unit is the small unit and it serves for environmental flow with 9.19 MWm installed power.
- Review of Feasibility Report and alternative formulation studies
- Preparation of final design drawings and reports
- Preparation of Technical Specifications for Civil, Hydromechanical, Mechanical, Electrical Works, Electromechanical Equipment
- Preparation of detailed design drawings
- Preparation of Seismic Hazard Assessment Report
- Preparation of Engineering Geology and Natural Construction Material Reports
- Preparation of road relocation alternatives
- Preparation of by-pass road projects
- Preparation of Downstream Water Usage Rights Report. Studies for irrigation of the Iğdır Plain; Identification of effect of the Karakurt Dam on irrigation water needs of the Iğdır Plain which is located in the downstream of Aras Basin and Karakurt Dam,
- Hydrology studies for the effect of Karakurt Dam on the Aras River