The water source of the project is the BSA Canal, which receives water from Beyşehir Lake and is currently in operation.
It is planned to pressurize the water to be taken from the BSA Canal at the pumping stations and convey water to the planned sites within the scope of the project with a closed and pressurized irrigation system.
Gross 1385 ha irrigation area will be irrigated within the scope of Bektemur unit.
Gross 2752 ha irrigation area will be irrigated within the scope of the Gevrekli unit.
Gross 1733 ha irrigation area will be irrigated within the scope of Seydişehir unit.
The total gross area of 5870 ha will be irrigated .
In addition, water will be provided for approximately 1286 ha areas that are irrigated currently with groundwater.
- Land Classification and Preparation of Drainage Report
- Preparation of Agricultural Economy Report, Geotechnical Survey and Natural Construction Materials Report,
- Execution of Geological/Geotechnical Site Investigations (Drilling,
Lab Test for Natural Construction Materials) - Planning Revision Technical Report Preparation
- Preparation of Design Drawings for Irrigation Network and Engineering Structures, Expropriation Plans and ESIA Reports
- Preparation of GIS and integration of the project to the system, topographical maps