The aim of the project is to increase the availability of renewable energy power and to benefit from private finance opportunities. The facility will be constructed in the area of Nachtigal Falls on the Sanaga River, 65km northeast of Yaoundé. The waters, which are surrounded by the RCC weir with a height of 14m and a crest length of 2,000m, reach the 7-capped Intake Structure with dimensions of 70x37x30m through a 3.3km long transmission channel with a width of 90m. It will be transmitted to the Power house with dimensions of 142x47x36m with 7 separate penstocks, each has a diameter of 5.64 m and an average length of 65 m, and an annual average of 3,000 GWh of energy will be generated with an installed capacity of 420 MW. Turbine waters will be discharged back to the river through the 800m long Tailwater Channel.
- BIM implementations for modelling of water intake, powerhouse, penstocks and anchor blocks,
- Producing detailed design drawings for formwork and reinforcement layouts of abovementioned structures.